Register now for our pre-DAFx Software Bootcamp!
Together with Software Carpentry, we're organising a three-day bootcamp on software development during the week preceding the DAFx conference. The bootcamp will run from the 13th to 15th of September 2012 at the University of York.
You can read about the event and register for it here.
Registration closes at the end of August, so be decisive.
Why would you want to attend? To help you decide, here are some stories about previous SoundSoftware and Software Carpentry bootcamp events:
- In May 2012 we helped run a Software Carpentry bootcamp at Newcastle University with the Software Sustainability Institute. This was a two-day bootcamp aimed at researchers in general. (The DAFx event will be similar during the first two days, with a third day focusing on audio and music.) Here's what attendees thought of it.
- In April we helped out with the UCL bootcamp, and you can read feedback on it here.
- Somewhat earlier, in November 2010, we ran the SoundSoftware UK Autumn School 2010, an even more ambitious event taking five full working days. This one's a bit less demanding than that, but should have much of the same inspirational content.
- Finally, here's a general page about Software Carpentry bootcamps, how they're structured, what they're about, and why you might want to attend one.
It's also worth noting that one of the goals of the bootcamp is to get people confident enough to be able to help out their peers and even run their own events in the future. Software Carpentry is a self-sustaining, widely distributed programme aiming to do whatever is necessary to get scientists managing their code more efficiently and effectively.
The bootcamp is free to attend, but you do need to bring a laptop and plenty of concentration.